FBW (Full-Body Workout) is otherwise known as general development training. As in the name - it contains exercises for the whole body. The main idea of this type of training is to train all muscles in one training session. The goal is to elicit a maximal anabolic response from your body. That's why it should include exercises that engage multiple muscle groups. Squat, deadlift and bench press are the perfect examples. FBW became such a popular method because it saves time. It allows you to train your entire body by exercising even once a week. Of course, more training sessions equal better results. But we'll get to that later.
First of all, FBW, like any other training, should begin with a warm-up. In this case, it should be extensive. Keep in mind that you have to prepare all the muscles for work. I recommend at least 10-15 minutes of intense exercise to improve blood circulation. Begin with running on a treadmill, orbitrek, or jumping rope. Then it'd be great to do some jumping jacks, arms and legs extensions, and trunk twists. When you feel all warmed up, do some exercises to improve mobility. In other words, stretch yourself a little bit. Remember that lack of mobility often results in incorrect exercise technique.
After the warm-up, give yourself 2-3 minutes to catch a breath. Now you can proceed to the proper training. But which exercises are the best for FBW? I'd recommend those engaging a few joints at the same time. They put a lot of muscles to work altogether. Thanks to that you're going to finish your training faster. Best examples of these exercises are deadlifts, squats, rowing, bench press, or pull-ups on a bar.
Another important thing during FBW is the order of performing exercises. It is, of course, about the muscle parts involved. Start with the large parts - such as your back, chest, or legs. After that, you can take care of your biceps, triceps, or shoulders. You should also precisely determine the weight, number of repetitions, and intervals between sets and exercises. They should be adjusted individually for your training goal. They will, therefore, be different in the case of FBW for muscle building or fat burning.
You already know what a full-body workout means. But is it worth a shot? Let's discuss its benefits. FBW helps you to develop overall agility. You will quickly notice that your mood will improve along with it. a general workout will be a great way to start your strength training adventure. Thus it's an excellent method for beginners. But what about FBW training for advanced? Amateur gym regulars often choose a split workout method. That's necessary only for professional bodybuilders. Isolated exercises require more training sessions. If you don't have time for 4-5 workouts per week, a 3-day FBW workout would be a better solution. It allows you to exercise all muscle parts in a shorter time. FBW is great for both fat burning and muscle building. However, FBW workouts for sculpting and mass will be slightly different.
You can perform FBW when you build muscles. On the other hand, it works equally well for fat burning because training the whole body accelerates metabolism. To adjust training to your goals, you need to properly select the range of repetitions, weight, and time of intervals. When I want to sculpt my body, I do more repetitions and combine some exercises in supersets. I also focus on making the breaks as short as possible. That's my version of a full-body workout for sculpting. In order to build muscles, I perform the exercises separately. In this case, I focus on maximizing the weight. Muscle building requires longer intervals and heavier weight. There is no universal formula for FBW either for muscle building or fat burning. Different solutions would work better or worse for each of you. That's why you should try out at least a few methods. Now I will give you some examples.
There are a few general rules for the muscle-building workout. First of all, it requires weighted training. You should adjust the weight so that you'd be able to perform 5-8 reps in the 3-6 series. Intervals between series shouldn't exceed 120 seconds but not be shorter than 60. Muscles should have time to regenerate, but not for complete rest. During weighted training, proper technique and muscle feeling are crucial.
Working with a heavy load can easily lead to injury. That's why it's always a good idea to take a few pounds less for better control. Remember that correctly performed exercise with a slightly lighter load leads to better results. Lifting heavier weights the wrong way is not only dangerous but not efficient. At all times, keep your core tight and slowly lower the weight.
To sculpt your body, you should use a different form of FBW. This type of training requires less weight but more reps. Adjust that so you'd be able to perform up to 15 reps in 3-6 series. This time breaks should last 45-90 seconds. You should choose the numbers that suit you best. Standard full body workout for fat burning includes 12 repetitions in 5 series and 60-second intervals. That's enough to burn fat efficiently.
This kind of full-body workout can be quite a challenge to your endurance. You can prepare for that by running or practicing other low-intensity sports. So many repetitions may result in you wanting to perform it as quickly as possible. That's a mistake I often observe in my clients. Never rush during the weighted training! Remember that lowering the weight slowly also puts your muscles to work. That will help you achieve better results in a shorter time. And believe me, it's also exhausting. As a result, you will need fewer sets and ultimately finish your workout faster.
FBW training is also perfect for developing strength. Following the general principle of FBW, exercises are multi-joint. That allows you to work with severe loads, building strength throughout the body. During strength training number of repetitions is even lower than during muscle building. This time you can allow your body to rest longer. Breaks can last up to 3 minutes. If this is too long for you, you can take shorter ones, but don't go below 90 seconds. They should be long enough to let your muscles fully regenerate. You can also change the length of the break depending on the complexity of an exercise. The more parts involved, the longer the break. As in the case of muscle building FBW, take care of the correct technique. Do not take unnecessary risks to avoid injury.
There are a few principles to follow while planning a training. They apply to any kind of FBW. Below I present three rules that I always follow creating a workout for my clients:
I understand that rules alone may not be enough to put together a workout on your own. That's why I will present some examples below. It will surely make things easier for you.
AB is a variation of FBW consisting of two sets of exercises. You should prepare two workouts engaging the whole body and perform them alternatively. For example, you can train with one set on Mondays and the other on Fridays. It is worth mentioning that there's absolutely no reason to use it training only once a week. With two and more training sessions, this might be a valuable solution. However, it works better as FBW for advanced. If you know how to perform many exercises, that should interest you. Introducing AB variation to your FBW can diversify your workout. Performing two exercise sets for the whole body will help you shape your muscles even better. That's also a fantastic way to get back into shape after a long break.
FBW up and down also consists of two sets of exercises. Hence it might seem similar to the one described above. Both of them divide the training into two exercise sets. However, there is a fundamental difference between them. During the AB workout, both sets of exercises involve all muscle groups. FBW up-down engages the upper body in one session and the lower body in the other. So it doesn't precisely follow the rules of FBW. But with this method, you can train the entire body in two training sessions so we can turn a blind eye. Once again, this is a type of FBW for intermediate or advanced. The reasoning is the same as for AB training. Splitting the training means more exercises, and more exercises mean more difficulties with technique. However, that'd be another good way to diversify the workout for gym regulars. When classic FBW stops producing results or you just get bored, it is worth reaching for the FBW up-down.
A well-planned workout is essential. First of all, you should determine the days and frequency of your training. If you train only once a week, I recommend focusing on multi-joint exercises. In this case, you train your whole body in the shortest possible time. To optimize outcomes, I'd recommend training at least twice a week. Of course, it is better to train once a week than at all. But by exercising twice a week, you shape your body much faster. That also enables you to use additional training methods. In this case, FBW AB might be a great choice. If you've just started to train, it'd be better to focus on one exercise set for a while. In my opinion, FBW 3 times a week is the best solution. The 3-day FBW training unlocks even more possibilities.
By exercising 3-times a week, you frequently provide your muscles with stimuli for growth. That also allows you to include more exercises in your plan. Choosing 3-days FBW, you can use AB or top-down methods. You might as well introduce in the program a set C. In this case, you'd perform different exercises each day. Deciding to go with FBW top-down, you can perform sets alternatively. However, I'd recommend classic FBW on one day. For example, on Monday, you'd do upper body muscle training. On Wednesday, you'd do legs, and on Friday, the whole body once again. As I mentioned before, there is no universal solution. Experiment to find the Golden mean for yourself!
An individualized approach to the training is crucial. Beginners should start with one exercise per muscle part. They're also allowed to extend the break time. First of all, you should take care to perform each repetition correctly. That's why beginners should focus on one set of exercises. Introducing more might cause problems with the technique. I suggest training with one set for 4-8 weeks. Then, it is worth challenging your muscles with new stimuli. Thanks to that, you get to know more exercises and strengthen your body. After that, you can start thinking about introducing FBW AB or top-down. Don't ever forget that proper technique is crucial. You won't get in shape if you hurt yourself.
For absolute beginners, I recommend bodyweight exercises. You also need to develop proper movement patterns. Simultaneously, you have to enhance joint mobility. Then you can start introducing weight step by step. Start with dumbbells - It's enough to strengthen the entire body. As you get used to the weight, you can add more and replace dumbbells with a barbell in some cases. Just remember to take it easy.
With more practice, you can afford more. To keep gaining strength and muscle size, you need to work harder and harder. You'll need more exercises, series, and a heavier load. The main thing is to know your limits. Feel free to introduce the methods I described above, such as FBW AB or top-down. Don't let your body get used to one type of training. Constantly challenge your muscles with new stimuli. If you're out of ideas, reach for professional help. I'd be more than happy to help you overcome the obstacles.
1. Legs
2. Back
3. Chest
4. Shoulders
5. Triceps
6. Biceps
7. Abs
Full-Body Workout - summary
After reading this article, you should know the main principles of FBW. At least you know what FBW means. I believe you also have some clue about its advantages. I know that planning a workout all by yourself can be quite a challenge - believe me, I've been there. Keep in mind that practice makes perfect! You already know what exercises you can use for your full-body workout. I also told you some rules that'll help you put them together. I'm pretty sure that you'll manage. But if you would prefer to use professional help - let me know. Once again, note that FBW for beginners and advanced are different. Beginners should focus on learning and maintaining proper technique. Only after mastering the exercises from one set introduce a new one. It doesn't mean, of course, that advanced can forget about proper technique. It comes naturally, along with experience. So you don't need to pay that much attention to it anymore. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to write or call me.