“If you want to lose weight, move more and eat less.” I suspect everyone has heard something similar many times. In reality, you can lose weight without exercising or not lose weight even while exercising. I will explain how this happens. I will present 15 tips that will help you take care of your health and figure without heavy workouts. First and foremost, it’s important to establish healthy habits. This applies to both your diet and other daily routines. You’ll find all the details below. Enjoy reading!
Physical exercise and moderate-intensity activity positively impact our health. However, studies show that exercise alone may be ineffective. If you continue to eat too much, your efforts will be in vain. Many weight loss methods advocate – exercise more, lose weight faster. I am a big advocate of exercise, but it doesn’t always bring the expected results. Remember that your body adapts to a certain level of activity, which can lower the total number of calories needed to perform a task. Sometimes intense effort can even negatively impact weight loss. After exercising, you’ll be hungrier and need to choose post-workout meals wisely. Unfortunately, many people then opt for unhealthy foods, thinking, “I worked out, so now I can eat whatever I want.” This is a mistake.
Amateur exercisers often miscalculate the number of calories burned during exercise and end up eating more than they burned, falling into a kind of vicious cycle. Personally, I believe that exercise will never negatively affect weight loss, even with miscalculated calories, because exercise offers numerous benefits. It warms up the body and speeds up metabolism. In my opinion, moderation is key in both eating and exercising. Don’t start with drastic changes like “NEW YEAR, NEW ME.” Sudden changes in diet and exercise habits are not the best idea. Implement exercise and diet gradually for the best results.
When working with my clients, we start with low-intensity exercise and gradually increase it. I often suggest changing exercises to continuously surprise the body, which is more effective for long-term results. Check out what my clients think about our joint training sessions. Regular physical activity and moderate-intensity exercise improve mood and overall well-being. If you’re starting a weight loss journey, exercise is worth incorporating. To control your weight, you need to be aware of what and how much you eat. A well-planned diet will bring results even without exercise. Losing weight without exercise requires strong willpower and self-control. Now you know that changing eating habits should be a priority in the fight to lose excess pounds. So, how to start losing weight? It’s easier said than done. Here are a few ways to help you shed fat without exercise. These will be lifestyle changes. Here are 15 tips on how to lose weight without exercise.
The best way to avoid evening snacking is simply going to bed earlier. Not getting enough sleep disrupts the regulation of certain hormones, including ghrelin, which is responsible for hunger. Ghrelin is produced in the stomach, and its blood levels rise significantly between meals, dropping sharply after eating. You should not eat less than 2 hours before bedtime. It’s essential not to overload your digestive system at night, as it worsens sleep quality and promotes obesity. If you eat dinner too early, you risk uncontrolled hunger pangs later, making it harder to control your food intake, thus reducing the efficiency of your weight loss without exercise.
Studies also show that lack of sleep increases cravings for unhealthy, high-calorie foods, leading to the consumption of more unhealthy products with empty calories. To better control your appetite, ensure you get enough sleep and go to bed earlier. Extending your sleep can help you stick to your diet more effectively. However, remember not to sleep too long! The optimal sleep duration is 7-8 hours. Too much sleep can hinder weight loss by making your body lazy and slowing your metabolism.
Many adults consume coffee, and most of them add high-calorie ingredients like sugar, milk, or both. Often, coffee is also served with sweets, turning black coffee from a zero-calorie drink into a calorie bomb. Regular consumption of black coffee can help reduce daily calorie intake.
Personally, drinking 1-2 cups a day reduces my appetite, gives me more energy, and helps me focus better. However, the coffee must be black, without any additives. The impact of coffee on weight loss is a fascinating and extensive topic, which I have dedicated a separate article to.
Often, we mistake thirst for hunger. I have caught myself doing this many times. Without water on hand, I tend to eat much more. Proper hydration is crucial not only for weight loss but also for daily life. As you may have heard, a person can survive much longer without food than without water. Therefore, it’s essential always to have a water bottle with you, preferably one with a filter that you can refill anywhere.
Frequent sips of water not only ensure proper hydration but also prolong the feeling of fullness and speed up metabolism. Some people think they should drink less water while on a diet, but this is one of the basic mistakes in weight loss. You should drink 30-40 ml of water per kg of body weight. For example, a person weighing 50 kg should drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily. So, if you want to lose weight without exercise, carry water with you and drink often. I talk more about this in the video “5 Rules on How to Lose Weight Without Effort.”
The most commonly used cooking oils are refined, which strips them of flavor and smell, making them neutral and suitable for everything, and also extends their shelf life. However, it also removes all valuable nutrients, leaving them rich in omega-6 fatty acids, which can cause inflammation in the body when consumed in excess, contributing to weight gain and skin problems. Unrefined oils, on the other hand, contain minerals and vitamins, making them a better choice. Reach for cold-pressed vegetable oils like olive oil, but ensure it's extra virgin, meaning it was cold-pressed without refining. However, you may still find it for $20, $50, or even $100. What’s the difference?
Cheaper products are made from lower-quality olives. I heard that cheaper olives might come from fallen fruits, which can contain some mold. I once heard that life is too short to use bad olive oil. High-quality olive oil in your diet helps lower blood pressure and can protect against atherosclerosis, positively affecting appetite reduction. Good olive oil is relatively expensive, but other alternatives to refined oils include coconut oil or clarified butter. If you want to see what my daily diet looks like, check out my video: “A Bodybuilder’s Full Day of Eating.”
Let’s debunk a myth here. There are heated debates online about frying with olive oil. Some argue you should never do it, while others say it’s perfectly fine or even healthy. What’s the truth? You can fry with olive oil, depending on its type. Olive oil’s smoke point ranges from 170-240 °C, while frying on a pan typically heats oil to about 160 degrees. Lower acidity olive oils are better for frying as their smoke point is higher. If any oil starts smoking, its compounds break down, becoming worthless. Research even shows that olive oil is suitable for hours of deep frying, although I doubt anyone needs that.
The “light” label on products refers to milk fat. If you consume a lot of dairy in your diet, this topic should interest you. If you think that choosing fat-free products supports weight loss, you are mistaken. Consuming products artificially deprived of fat does not necessarily translate to a fat-free body mass. Numerous studies confirm that people who eat full-fat dairy over a long time weigh less than those who choose light products.
This happens because fat-free food is less satisfying due to its low-fat content. The fat we consume in food is digested slowly, keeping us fuller longer. Additionally, fat-free dairy products contain other additives to maintain similar taste and texture, which are not necessarily healthy. It’s better to avoid fat-free products. Your health will benefit, and it will be easier to maintain your figure.
People who skip a second breakfast excessively extend the time between meals, negatively affecting appetite control. Proper appetite control is essential for losing weight without exercise. I recommend eating a small snack, such as a fruit or a whole-grain bar, to provide extra energy and help curb hunger. Physiologically, this will temporarily lower the previously mentioned ghrelin levels.
Too long a break between meals will make you lose control when you finally get to eat, consuming too many calories and becoming tired and sluggish. The best way is to avoid feeling very hungry. As mentioned, coffee or water can also serve as a good alternative to a snack. When I don’t have the opportunity to eat a proper meal, having a fruit on hand, such as a grapefruit, is helpful. Instead of fruits, you can also prepare your own healthy sweets. Check out how to make healthy “bird’s milk.”
Constantly fighting temptations is tough. Since you’re reading this article, you probably already know that. There’s no point in blaming everything on weak willpower. I sometimes have moments of weakness. Having healthy products within reach is a great way to start losing weight. Numerous studies report that snacking on sweets or fast food can become habitual. This habit returns and strengthens with each visit to the kitchen. It may take a long time to break it.
The best approach is not to buy unhealthy products, so you don’t have them around. You can try a simple trick initially: make a few changes in your fridge. Place healthier products in the front and less healthy ones in the back. Believe me, this really works! To get to a cake, for example, you’ll have to move aside the vegetables and fruits, making you think twice about whether a healthier snack isn’t a better option. This trick will remind you of your dietary resolutions. It seems simple, but I guarantee it works.
You don’t need to be a dietitian to know that vegetables are low in calories and high in dietary fiber. To lose weight without exercise, eat more vegetables. Increased fiber intake is associated with easier weight loss. Vegetables are very filling due to their volume compared to the number of calories they contain, plus they have high amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Furthermore, fiber is a non-digestible component that absorbs water in the intestines, creating a feeling of fullness. This property is even utilized in some weight loss supplements, such as glucomannan. When I start shedding fat before competitions, I always have a container of chopped vegetables on hand. This trick helps me get rid of hunger pangs. Try it! Just a few radishes or one chopped bell pepper daily can reduce hunger throughout the day.
Often, when I come home from work, I find an almost empty fridge, with some cheese or fatty cold cuts, which are high in calories and not suitable for my diet. I then open the freezer, where I always keep a few portions of frozen fruits or vegetables. It’s an excellent way to lose weight without exercise. If you’re craving something sweet, blend the fruits with a portion of protein powder to prepare a full-fledged protein shake that will keep you satisfied for a long time. If you need a savory meal, toss frozen vegetables into a pan, drizzle with olive oil, and season to taste. This way, you’ll satisfy a small hunger without providing too many calories.
Besides food, you must pay attention to what you drink. This is one of the fundamental steps to make weight loss easier without exercise. If you’re a fan of sugary drinks, I have bad news for you. The simplest way to reduce calorie intake is to eliminate them from your diet. This is a good first step towards starting weight loss. Most people don’t realize how much sugar these drinks contain. For example, one small can of cola (330 ml) contains the equivalent of 7 teaspoons of sugar. These simple carbohydrates lack nutrients and will only increase your hunger. I’d rather eat a piece of cake than drink a can of sugary soda since both have similar sugar and calorie content, but the cake satisfies the sweet craving better. A better alternative is diet drinks. If I reach for a can of cola, I prefer the sugar-free version. However, the sweeteners in them are harmful, making them the lesser evil. The best option is to give up sugary drinks altogether and replace them with water. If you’re still undecided, maybe the sugar tax will convince you. I interviewed a food technologist on this topic. For some people, money is the best motivator.
Lunch breaks should be true breaks. If you work in front of a computer, try not to eat at your desk, and the same goes for eating in front of the TV. Meals should be eaten in peace. Research shows that distracting your mind during meals delays the feeling of fullness, making it easy to overeat. Lack of focus on the meal also reduces saliva production, which contains essential digestive enzymes that start digestion in the mouth and travel with the food to the rest of the digestive system. Additionally, a bit of movement adds energy, improves circulation, and helps nourish the farthest corners of the body, speeding up metabolism and burning a few extra calories. Any extra movement will aid in weight loss. When I work at the computer, I take breaks about every hour to get up and walk around, preferably outside. Then, I sit down for a meal. Of course, I don’t eat during every break.
People like to have snacks on hand while working. There’s nothing wrong with that, and I’ve already encouraged carrying portions of fruit or vegetables. However, keep them out of sight. This way, you’ll only eat when you’re truly hungry. Looking at food often triggers a false desire to snack, known as visual hunger. Seeing food accelerates the release of certain hormones responsible for appetite. What’s more, a pack of cookies or other sweets is more likely to be on your desk than vegetables. Removing snacks from view will definitely make it easier for you to lose weight without exercise and improve work efficiency. You’ll focus better on your tasks without extra distractions on your desk. Try this simple solution and see how much less often you reach for food. Over time, you might even forget about it.
When eating out, you never fully know what’s in the dish. Meals served in restaurants are usually high in calories. By preparing the main meal of the day yourself, you have more control over its ingredients, so you really know what and how much you’re eating, and you can choose higher quality products. This makes it easier to stick to a diet. Moreover, cooking prepares your body for incoming food. However, it’s essential to plan meal times properly and eat regularly. Don’t start cooking an elaborate dish when you’re already hungry. In such cases, it’s better to have a snack before starting to cook. Otherwise, when the meal is ready, your hunger will be so intense that you’ll overeat. Once again, I stress – control your appetite. For a fun fact, check out my video on preparing a home-cooked meal in Cameroon during my first visit to Africa.
Eating protein and fat-rich foods for breakfast keeps you full longer, though this might not work for everyone. The pros and cons of this approach are detailed in my article on protein-fat breakfasts. Eggs are a valuable source of protein and healthy fats. Meals containing eggs with the right additions can make an excellent breakfast of this kind, as they are relatively low in calories. One medium-sized egg has only 80 kcal and no carbohydrates, making them ideal for a keto diet. I personally eat eggs for breakfast three times a week, mainly on non-training days, as I tend to crave snacks more on these days. Try eating a few eggs for breakfast occasionally and see if it reduces your appetite during the day.
Not everyone has time for a gym workout, which is completely understandable. However, remember that a faster heart rate in everyday life helps burn more calories. Even without time or desire for exercise, taking an extra walk is a great way to lose weight without exercise. If you don’t want to waste time, put on headphones and listen to an interesting podcast or audiobook, making it feel like no time is wasted while also taking care of your health and well-being. Personally, I enjoy a morning walk before breakfast. If you feel walking isn’t for you, there are other solutions: park your car farther away to walk a bit more before getting in, or if you live in an apartment building, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Such tricks are great for increasing heart rate and burning more calories throughout the day.
You now know my 15 tips for losing weight without exercise – get started! Weight loss isn’t that difficult. If you feel you need more information on healthy weight loss, you might find answers to your questions in other articles on my blog. I also invite you to download my free guide – “Healthy and Effective Reduction in 90 Days.” You’ll learn how to plan your weight loss to be healthy and effective. If you prefer professional help, be sure to check out my offer.