How to develop your triceps?
2021-11-30 Category: Giza Fit Training – Build Your Strength and Endurance

How to develop your triceps? 

How to develop your triceps

Triceps structure and functions 

The triceps muscle consists of 3 heads:

  • Medial,
  • Lateral,
  • Long.

The medial head attaches to the humerus and forms the deep layer of the triceps. Proximally it's placed on the posterior surface of the humerus. On the other side, it ends in a common tendon with the other heads. The long head arises from the infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula and runs medially along the arm. The lateral head is, in turn, located externally. It attaches to the humerus, right above the radial nerve groove and on the lateral intermuscular septum. The common distal tendon is attached to the posterior surface of the elbow. The triceps can work in two ways: engaging all of the heads simultaneously or only the long head. The long head working alone straightens and adducts the arm at the shoulder joint. In turn, working the entire triceps is responsible for straightening the arm at the elbow joint.

Triceps structure and anatomy

The best exercises for triceps development

Below I present 4. exercises for the triceps. In my opinion, these are the best for its development. Each of them engages the triceps in a slightly different way. That is why it's important not to focus on just one of them. If you want to build aesthetic, natural-looking muscles, you need to perform different exercises. I also share several examples of combining triceps training with other body parts.

Training of triceps in superseries with biceps

The longer we train, the more varied our workout should be. The body quickly adapts to specific exercises. Hence, it's relevant to keep raising the bar. You need to surprise your muscles for their further growth. Therefore, it is worth including different methods in your training plan. One of them is to combine biceps and triceps in one training session. That's a great example of antagonistic (opposing) muscles. The triceps extend the arms while the biceps flex them. You can merge the training of these two muscle groups in superseries. It consists of performing a series of exercises for both parts without a break. In this case, one superset might consist of Barbell Biceps Curl and Dips. Once finished the second exercise, you deserve a break. This method results in a much greater blood supply to the trained muscles. That results in a much greater muscle pump. Another advantage is shortening the time you spend on training. That might be useful, especially during training for building muscle.

Training plan for biceps and triceps in supersets

Table 1: Biceps-triceps superset training
Set Exercises Series Reps Break (s)

 A) Barbell Biceps Curl

 B) Single-arm French Press Lying

4 12 90

 A) Biceps Curl with Wrist Supination

 B) Dips

4 10 90

 A) Barbell Preacher Curl

 B) Triceps Pressdown

4 12-15 90

Combining triceps exercises with shoulder training

Shoulder training also engages the triceps as a support muscle. While performing many exercises for the shoulders, the triceps performs an auxiliary function. Therefore, combining these two parts makes perfect sense. After shoulder training, the triceps are already well warmed up or even quite tired. 2-3 exercises should be enough to finish them off. That'd be sufficient for their optimal growth. However, it is worth remembering not to train the triceps before the shoulders. For example, exhausted triceps results in worse performance during Dumbbell Shoulder Press. That can also disrupt weight control, which might, in turn, lead to injuries or trauma.

Workout plan for triceps with shoulders

Table 2: Shoulders-triceps workout plan
Set Exercise Series Reps Break (s)
1.   Dumbbell Lateral Raise 4 15 60
2.   Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4 12-15 90

  Transposing Rubber

4 15 45

  Barbell Military Press

4 10 90

  Triceps Pressdown

4 15 60

 Barbell French Press Lying

4 10 90

Training triceps in combination with chest

Chest exercises can also be quite exhausting for the triceps. Hence, training these parts together is also a good solution. Even Barbell Bench Press is very demanding for your arms. I'm pretty sure I don't have to explain that exercise. You can make it even harder for your triceps by gripping the barbell narrowly. During chest workouts, we usually work with a heavy load. After such training, triceps are already tired. Therefore one or two exercises may be sufficient to finish them off. It is also important not to train the triceps first. Your triceps should be at full strength to push a satisfying weight on the bench. Arms muscles are also crucial for control, and getting crushed by a barbell is nothing pleasant.

Workout plan for triceps with chest

Table 3: Chest-triceps workout program
Set Exercise Series Reps Break (s)

 Barbell Bench Press

4 6-8 90

 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press  

4 10 90

 Lying Pullovers

4 12 90


4 10 90

 Barbell French Press Lying

4 10 90

Combining triceps with back training

Combining triceps workout with back is a different approach. Both shoulder and chest training engages the triceps to some point. In turn, a back workout doesn't stress these muscles too much. In that case, their main task is to lower the weight and stabilize the movement. Hence, the triceps won't be too tired, so this time you can perform even 3-4 exercises for that part. That's a good solution if you want to do more isolated exercises for it. This combination is an example of training a large muscle part with a small one. In this case, you should always start with the larger one. So the triceps training is performed at the end again.

Workout plan for triceps with back

Table 4: Back-triceps workout program
Set Exercise Series Reps Break (s)

 Wide Grip Pull-ups

4 6-10 90

 Seated Lat Pulldown

4 10-12 90

 Single-arm Dumbbell Row

4 6-8 90

 Seated Lat Row

4 12-15 90

 Single-arm French Press Lying

4 10 90

 Reverse Push-ups

4 12 60

 Triceps Pressdown

4 12 60

Best exercises for triceps with dumbbells 

  • Single-arm Dumbbell French Press Standing
  • Triceps Kickbacks 
  • Both-arms Dumbbell French Press Seated
  • Dumbbells French Press Lying

The best exercises for triceps at home without equipment

  • Reverse Push-ups
  • Narrow Push-ups 

How to develop your triceps - summary 

Best workout for triceps - summary

I have introduced you to my favorite triceps exercises. You are also already familiar with several methods and training plans. So which one would be the best for you? The best way to find out is to experiment with all of them. Remember that each of us is different and requires an individual approach. The body can react differently to certain stimuli. That's why you need to find the one that works for you. Don't forget that your body will get used to it after some time. For optimal results, you have to change your training once in a while. Not every week, but after 4-8 of them. It's also important to constantly increase the load. That's the basic principle of muscle building. If you are still not satisfied with the results, contact me. Together we'll find the source of the problem. We will also adjust training and diet to achieve the best results. You can also choose one of the individual plans available on my website.

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2021-12-16 09:32:04 - piotr:
Artykuł którego potrzebowałem żeby przeprowadzić efektywny trening ,teraz już wiem jak rozbudować triceps .
2021-12-24 11:25:51 - Andrzej:
Dzięki zastosowaniu wskazówek z artykułu dotyczących z czym łączyć triceps oraz 4 najlepsze ćwiczenia na triceps mój trening stał się znacznie efektywniejszy .
2022-07-22 13:44:48 - Grzesiu:
Konkret! Ćwiczenia na triceps, których potrzebowałem i wiele wiele więcej. Trudno znaleźć artykuł, w którym byłoby tyle porad i planów treningowych za darmo...
2022-09-21 12:24:01 - Ania :
Fajny artykuł, tego szukałam. Mam nadzieję że teraz pozbędę się "pelikanów"
2022-12-19 10:13:41 - Amelia:
Super, że są jeszcze specjaliści, którzy dzielą się wiedzą za darmo! Jeszcze nigdzie nie znalazłam tylu rozpisek na różne treningi tricepsa w jednym miejscu! Wielkie dzięki i pozdrawiam. Już wiem do kogo się zgłosić, jak będę potrzebowała trenera ;D
2022-12-21 10:12:02 - Olek:
Zawsze miałem słabość do dipów. Moim zdaniem super ćwiczenie i w szczycie formy dawałem radę robić po 15 powtórzeń w serii. Jakież było moje zdziwienie, jak po kilku latach zbijania bąków wskoczyłem na uchwyty i ledwo raz się podniosłem xd Postanowiłem zacząć ćwiczyć i tak trafiłem na ten artykuł. Mega konkretny i na pewno wykorzystam kilka rozpisek. Dzięki!
2023-01-06 09:58:46 - Jacek:
MEGA dużo konkretów, dzięki! Teraz łatwiej mi się układa treningi i nie muszę się zastanawiać, jakie ćwiczenia wykonywać. Super, że dzielisz się wiedzą za darmo ;D
2023-01-17 14:34:28 - Leszek:
Tricepsy bardzo się przydają w codziennych czynnościach. No i bardzo lubię ćwiczenia z masą ciała, które dzięki nim można wykonywać. Dipy to chyba moje ulubione ćwiczenie!
2024-05-02 19:45:21 - Chrisstaix:
Hello, im noob :)


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